High functioning alcoholism is a quiet epidemic in many South African companies. High functioning alcoholics, who are frequently perceived as successful, dedicated professionals, conceal their alcohol addiction beneath a veneer of normalcy, making it difficult for their coworkers and employers to recognize their problem. The role of supportive management in addressing high functioning alcoholism in the workplace is critical, since it can establish an environment that not only recognizes the problem but also provides recovery support.

Because of the illusion of control, high functioning alcoholism is frequently missed. If you can work successfully and maintain personal connections while covertly dealing with alcohol addiction, you may be a high functioning alcoholic. This battle is frequently hidden, resulting in a poor work-life balance and increasing mental discomfort.

  • The first step towards addressing high functioning alcoholism in the workplace is fostering an environment of open communication. Employers and managers must make efforts to create safe spaces where employees feel comfortable discussing their struggles without fear of judgement or retribution.
  • Secondly, education plays a critical role. Many high functioning alcoholics don’t identify their behaviour as problematic because they don’t fit the stereotypical image of an alcoholic. Therefore, educating employees about the signs and dangers of high functioning alcoholism can aid in self-recognition and acceptance.
  • Workplace policies are another key element. Employers can establish and enforce policies regarding alcohol consumption during work hours or at company events. These policies must be rooted in concern for the employees’ well-being, not in punitive measures.
  • Finally, a supportive workplace promotes resources for recovery. This might include providing information about alcohol addiction and recovery, offering employee assistance programs, or allowing flexible hours for those seeking treatment.

The ultimate goal is to create a welcoming space where high-functioning alcoholics feel safe enough to seek help. They will not have to go through the process of recovery alone if/when they decide to seek help.

Alcohol addicts in South Africa have access to comprehensive treatment through a service called We Do Recover. Because of this perspective, they seek to discover the contexts and factors that contribute to discomfort and addictive behaviors rather than treating addiction as a disease in and of itself. They want to help, therefore they design a rehabilitation strategy based on the person’s unique needs.

There are two main themes that jump out when thinking about alternatives to supportive management for dealing with high functioning alcoholism on the job: punitive action and proactive wellness programs.

Strong regulations restricting alcohol use during work hours are often enforced as part of punitive action, with repercussions including disciplinary measures and even termination for offenders. This strategy may reduce alcohol consumption on the job, but it comes with serious drawbacks that cannot be ignored. One reason is because it offers nothing to address the causes of alcoholism, which may include things like stress, mental health issues, or other personal issues. In addition, high-functioning alcoholics may be reluctant to seek help if they believe they will be punished or stigmatized for doing so if they do.

Wellness programs that take a preventative approach place greater emphasis on physical and mental health, as well as stress reduction. Counseling, health education, and access to tools for maintaining a healthy lifestyle are common components of such programs. By encouraging a balanced approach to work and personal life and providing tools for dealing with stress, these programs can help reduce the likelihood that someone will develop an alcohol use disorder.

High-functioning alcoholics are not specifically addressed by wellness programs, however they can help with some of the underlying issues that lead to addiction. A person with alcoholism may be able to keep their problem hidden even in a wellness-focused company.

You can understand why a more comprehensive technique like supportive management would be ideal right now. The purpose of supportive management is to create a compassionate environment where high-functioning alcoholics are encouraged to seek help, while also encouraging general wellness and reducing workplace stress, and this is accomplished by combining the best of various alternative tactics. This approach provides high-functioning alcoholics with the safety they need to face their addiction head-on while also giving them the tools they need to recover completely.

Keep in mind that everyone you work with and every situation you face is different and requires individualized strategies. Knowing the benefits and drawbacks of these approaches will help you choose the best method for treating high functioning alcoholism in the workplace.